Interactively distort live video and movies.

Author(s): Ed Allard

Quick Start:

Mode Selection
  • Rubber mode: Use the left mouse button to click and drag parts of the video points to deform the video surface. Release the mouse button and the point will spring back into place.

  • Ripple mode: Use the left mouse button to add ripples to the video as if you dropped a rock on the surface of a lake.

  • Nailing points down: While in rubber mode, you can select the "Nail Rubber Points" option to keep the deformed points from springing back. This option is located in the "Options" menu.

Media Selection The media selection buttons allow you to select which media type you want to use. A new movie file can be selected from the "File ; Select movie file" menu option. The "Default" option allows you to use whatever video source is set as the Default Input source on the Video Panel.

More Details:

VideoDistort shows the O2 system's ability to combine digital media and texture mapping to create interactive effects. It is very similar to the original Distort demo, except the media is no longer a static image. It's either live video or a movie file.

VideoDistort takes the selected media input and texture maps the real-time video on a 3D mesh that the user can deform in various ways:
  • Rubber mode: Use the left mouse button to click and drag parts of the video points to deform the video surface. Release the mouse button and the point will spring back into place. While in this mode, the user can select the "Nail Rubber Points" option to keep the deformed points from springing back. This option is located in the "Options" menu.

  • Ripple mode: Use the left mouse button to add ripples to the video as if you dropped a rock on the surface of a lake.

Media Selection
The Media selection buttons select the video input sources. If you have a problem with a video input source, you may want to verify that the source is properly connected. Try running the video control panel application (vcp) and run the "Live Video In" program.

The "Default" option allows you to use whatever video source is set as the Default Input source on the Video Panel. If the default input changes on the Video Panel while VideoDistort is running, the change will not be reflected in until you click on the "Default" toggle button again.

When playing back a movie file, the default movie selection is "/usr/share/data/movies/". This is from the subsystem. Use the "Select Movie File" option from the "File" menu to choose a different movie. Any movie file that can be played back with movieplayer should work.

Texture Interpolation
The "Texture Interpolation" option in the "Options" menu toggles bi-linear interpolation on the textures on and off. Interpolation makes texture maps look much smoother when the object they are mapped to is much larger or smaller than the image source. One side-effect of this is that movies that are zoomed up using texture mapping look much better than movies that are played back using normal image zooming (pixel doubling). Try playing back a small movie file and resizing VideoDistort window very large. Toggle on and off interpolation mode and notice that zoomed images look very "blocky" without interpolation.

Problems? VideoDistort requires at least one video path to be free for any of the live video options to work. You may not be able to run other video applications at the same time as VideoDistort. For example, mediaRecorder requires 2 streams of video, so make sure that you close mediaRecorder before running VideoDistort.

How does it work?
This demo shows an application that takes advantage of the Unified Memory Architecture in the O2 system. In conventional systems, texture mapping involves copying the image data from main memory into special texture mapping memory. This is a slow and inefficient process.

In the O2 system, main memory can be used for texture map memory. Instead of copying image data from main, or video memory into texture memory, the O2 system lets all of the subsystems reference the same parts of memory (in this case, the video and graphics subsystems, or the movie decompression and graphics subsystems). This architecture is more efficient than conventional systems, and frees up the CPU to do other computation. In the case of VideoDistort, this extra computational power is to compute the mass-spring relationships that cause the rubber stretching effects.

VideoDistort uses a combination of Silicon Graphics programming interfaces (API's). The video library (VL) is used to perform live video capture into memory. If a movie file is the input source, then the Movie Library (movielib) is used to read and decompress the movie. JPEG movies are decompressed using the hardware engine in the O2 system through a combination of the movie library and the image compression (DMIC) library. OpenGL, and a few Silicon Graphics extensions to OpenGL are used to perform the texture mapping and graphics rendering. Finally, a new feature of the digital media libraries called DMBuffers is used to perform all of the memory management and data sharing between all of these API's.

VideoDistort uses a small utility library called libdmu which simplifies some of the common programming tasks associated with combining digital media and graphics programming.

One application of this technology is in the entertainment industry, for real-time video effects during live coverage of sports or media events. Other applications may include non-linear editing applications, where texturing can be used in previewing 3D transitions, or medical imaging, where texture mapping can perform image warping and manipulations on the live data feeds.

Other Information:

The full demo scenario:

First you might want to confirm that your camera is getting a clear, bright picture. Focus the O2-Cam using the focus wheel on the top of the camera. A quick enhancement to brighten a dark picture is to increase the gain on the input source. Open the Video Panel (vcp) and select "Signal Controls" from the appropriate device in the "Pro" menu of the panel. Increase the gain to taste (make sure that "Auto Gain control" is turned off).

Start out in rubber mode. Lots of laughs are guaranteed if the camera is pointing at yourself. Click and drag your nose around. Make sure you keep moving, so you get across the point that this is a live video stream.

Next, turn on the "Nail Rubber Points" option. Drag out a few points to deform the surface and move through it. Drag out a few more points, then turn the option off. Watch every thing go crazy as things spring back in to place.

Finally switch to "Ripple" mode. Click a few times over the image to create water rippling effects (remember, keep moving.. this is live video!). You may also want to show the effects working on a movie.

Play with it and have fun. This one's pretty easy.

Hardware Options: